bemuse | to puzzle, confuse or bewilder
p, b & dark chocolate chip cookies
pp,, bb && ddaarrkk cchhooccoollaattee cchhiipp ccooookkiieess

p, b & dark chocolate chip cookies

“the internal structure of a cookie”

my honey called it, he said, “you know, you have a good streak and then luck runs out,” or something to that effect. he’s referring to my recent string of baking experiments. this week, i got some dark chocolate chips & unsalted butter specifically for baking. encouragement from him in response to that delicious carrot cake (with lemon cream cheese icing) that we made last weekend. i tried my best to follow the recipe, and in the words of a dear friend, “no one cares it still tastes like cookie,” and i really needed to hear that.

here’s the actual recipe: tessa arias’ peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies

so, i’ll just be honest about all the ways i messed up the recipe:

  • i mixed in the flour in stages and forgot to mix the last one-sixth of the dry ingredients, wtfocaccia?
  • the butter was not fully melted and hot, so it didn’t mix well with the peanut butter
  • i don’t think i used enough peanut butter
  • i’m not sure i used enough white or brown sugar, either (and i definitely didn’t mix it in properly, see below)

i’m not off to a good start, but there’s no use crying over spilled milk. these would taste really good crumbled on top of vanilla ice cream or used for sandwiching a nice dollop of ice cream. anyway, enjoy these wonderful photos of mutant cookies.

some things i learned about baking cookies today:

  • too much flour makes for a dry & crumbly cookie
  • leaving cookie dough in the fridge helps develop good final texture
  • dipping in milk really brings out the peanut butter flavour
  • adding water to peanut butter actually thickens it
  • adding oil to peanut butter makes it more runny

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